Tempting as it may be to ‘tough-out’ these extraordinary days in a rural idyll or by the bracing seaside really you shouldn’t! The chances are, if you are arriving from a larger town or city — especially London, what you’ll be bringing is germs. While some cottage owners were actively marketing their holiday accommodation as the perfect spot to avoid Covid-19, the local populations of areas such as Cornwall, North Wales and the Highlands are not happy. The pressure is being put on local services, and if people become ill, the NHS health care facilities will not be able to cope. And now we have been told to avoid all unnecessary travel!
Yet It will be tough financially for many holiday cottage owners. Easter usually is the start of the season with many places booked months in advance. Now it looks likely that many aren’t taking bookings until after 4th June 2020.
So booking a holiday cottage in the UK will be an excellent option for the future. Just not now. Please don’t travel unnecessarily — losing out on a holiday is better than risking lives!
Photo Nickolay Romensky from London, UK